Character Information
1. Main Character Name with Link to WoW Armory:
2. Real Life Age:
3. Class of your Main:
4a. Primay Spec of your Main:
4b. Secondary Spec of your Main:
5. Professions and Level:
Blacksmithing (427), Enchanting (443). Mostly just to get the max benefits provided by these professions.
Alts are not allowed until the main is promoted to a member level.
Armory Link: ... n=Sixxette
*Few notes on Armory Link:
Spec and gear is not yet updated for 3.2. Pending Changes:
1. Spec will be 5/5/54.
2. Glphys need updating
3. Gems need updating
4. Relic slot needs updating
Guild Information
1. Have you read and will abide by the Guild Doctrine?
2. What are your previous/current guild(s) and why did/do you want to leave?
Radiant Dark – Differences on progression with guild leadership
Enigma – Our 10 man raiding guild startup didn’t work out due to real life issues.
3. List the names of people you know from Lords of Karma who would vouch for you:
4. Are you a real life friend or family member of a current member of Lords of Karma?
5. What do you feel you can bring to Lords of Karma?
The right balance of attitude and a desire to succeed. Plus I know how to play the paladin class, I have been doing it for as long as this game has been out (yes even lol ret days).
For Applicants who wish to Raid
Computer Rig Information
1. Do you have Ventrilo and a Mic?
2. Does your computer have latency issues, lock-up, or crash a lot while playing Warcraft?
3. What mods do you use? (specific to raiding - e.g. DBM, Recount, Omen, etc)
I try to keep it as light as I can to improve performance, so DBM, Recount, Omen, Pally Power, and WIM. Basic WoW UI.
Raiding Information
1. Are you able to attend raids on these days and time (Tues 6-9 server, Weds 6:30-9, Fri 7-9)? Please note that raids can go past scheduled times.
I would be available Tuesday for sure, and some Wednesdays.
I am available on Monday, Some Fridays and Saturdays as well.
2. I cannot raid on these days and time:
Sundays and Thursdays (I commute Nashville/Sacramento every week and those are the days I fly).
3. Will you be able to maintain a MINIMUM of 70% raid attendance? (or whatever % is decided on)
4. What is your raiding experience? Are you familiar with the content we will be raiding? For example, knowledge of Ulduar, Vault of Archavon bosses, etc. (please specify 10-man and 25-man).
Familiar with everything (including 25man) up to 10 man Ulduar. I stopped raiding at that point.
5. Do you have a good grasp of your class? Have you read forums and done the research to ensure you play at the highest level?
Much more than I care to admit.
6. Will you come prepared to raids with the appropriate consumables (food, flask etc) and on time? If you are unable to make it or if you are going to be late, please leave a note on the guild forums.
Of course, I will also expect everyone else to be fully prepared and as self buffed as possible (food, flask and/or 2x elixirs) as well as pots for burst DPS.
Sixxette - Ret Pally Application
- Aona
- Posts: 216
- Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:43 pm
Re: Sixxette - Ret Pally Application
I raided with Sixx for probably almost two years now, he's an insane paladin and would be an awesome contribution to our raid setup (especially with Luca switching to healing a lot). Even with his 10-man Ulduar gear, he gives me a run for my money.
He might not have the time to raid with us all the time, but would give 110% on the nights he is there. He's also good about watching Tankspot vids before being asked.
And crap, he used my RL name. ><
He might not have the time to raid with us all the time, but would give 110% on the nights he is there. He's also good about watching Tankspot vids before being asked.
And crap, he used my RL name. ><
Aona - Marksman Hunter
Axeal - Purdy DK tnak
Kymia - Protection Warrior and foot rest for the tall ones
Axeal - Purdy DK tnak
Kymia - Protection Warrior and foot rest for the tall ones
- Posts: 330
- Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:08 pm
Re: Sixxette - Ret Pally Application
You aren't officially in the guild until we use your first name, Jared.Aona wrote:I raided with Sixx for probably almost two years now, he's an insane paladin and would be an awesome contribution to our raid setup (especially with Luca switching to healing a lot). Even with his 10-man Ulduar gear, he gives me a run for my money.
He might not have the time to raid with us all the time, but would give 110% on the nights he is there. He's also good about watching Tankspot vids before being asked.
And crap, he used my RL name. ><

There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.
- Posts: 231
- Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:08 pm
- Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Re: Sixxette - Ret Pally Application
Hello Sixxette,
Thanks for applying to Lords of Karma. I will talk with Aona as well as the Raid Leads to assess our needs at this point in time for another Ret Pally.
I'll get back to you as soon as I can and will provide you an update, at least, in the next day or two.
Thanks for applying to Lords of Karma. I will talk with Aona as well as the Raid Leads to assess our needs at this point in time for another Ret Pally.
I'll get back to you as soon as I can and will provide you an update, at least, in the next day or two.
- Sixxette
- Posts: 19
- Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:23 am
Re: Sixxette - Ret Pally Application
Sounds good. Let me know