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Lords of Karma - 10 Man Progression

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:13 am
by Bridelm
Icecrown Citadel

Lower Spir
Lord Marrowgar - Downed 12/12/2009
Lady Deathwhisper - Downed 12/12/2009
Gunship Battle - Downed 12/12/2009
Deathbringer Saurfang

Trial of the Grand Crusader
Beasts of Northrend - Downed 12/6/2009
Lord Jaraxxus
Faction Champions
Twin Valk'yrs

Trial of the Crusader
Beasts of Northrend - Farm
Lord Jaraxxus - Farm
Faction Champions - Farm
Twin Valk'yrs - Farm
Anub'rhekan - Farm

Ulduar (0/14)
Flame Leviathan - Downed
Ignis the Furnace Master - Downed
Raxorscale - Downed (5/10/2009)
XT-002 Decontructor - Downed
Assembly of Iron - Downed (5/10/2009)
Kologarn - Downed (5/9/2009)
Auriaya - Downed (5/9/2009)
Hodir - Downed
Thorim - Downed
Freya - Downed 5/25/2009
Mimiron- Downed
Genral Vezax - Downed
Algalon the Observer

Vault of Archavon (1/1)
Archavon the Stone Watcher - Killed

Obsidian Sanctum (1/1)
Sartharion - Killed

Naxxramus (15/15)

Arachnid Quarter (3/3)
Anub'Rhekan - Killed
Grand Widow Faerlina - Killed
Maexxna - Killed

Plague Quarter (233)
Noth the Plaguebringer - Killed
Heigan the Unclean - Killed
Loatheb - Killed

Military Quarter (3/)
Instructor Razuvious - Killed
Gothik the Harvester - Killed
The Four Horsmen - Killed

Construct Quarter (4/4)
Patchwerk - Killed
Grobbulus - Killed
Gluth - Killed
Thaddius - Killed

Frostwyrm Lair (2/2)
Sapphiron - Killed
Kel'thuzad - Killed

Eye of Eternity
Malygos - Killed