Charna Application

Come here to inquire about guild recruitment. Open to the Public.
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Charna Application

Post by Toy »

Character Information
1. Main Character Name with Link to WoW Armory:

...well... I don't really have a main, they're all well geared and good experienced, but I guess I'll just use my lock cause the voices told me to...
Charna ... &cn=Charna

2. Real Life Age:


3. Class of your Main:

a warlock last time I checked...

4a. Primay Spec of your Main:


4b. Secondary Spec of your Main:

I thought about it... but whats the point if its a warlock? I suppose a shiny different pet is always exciting... but the cost...

5. Professions and Level:

450 mining 450 JC (although lacking any patterns as of yet...)

Alts are not allowed until the main is promoted to a member level.

Guild Information
1. Have you read and will abide by the Guild Doctrine?

I believe so

2. What are your previous/current guild(s) and why did/do you want to leave?

Only Echelon and Mutiny since WotLK. I left echelon for personal reasons, and Mutiny I had a disagreement with the leadership and direction... plus the fact the GM put me on ignore for no apparent reason and refused to speak to anyone regarding it...

3. List the names of people you know from Lords of Karma who would vouch for you:

Wirechaser and Sakanade I suppose... although you never know... they may secretly loathe my very existance...

4. Are you a real life friend or family member of a current member of Lords of Karma?

Nope! Only one I'm sure of!

5. What do you feel you can bring to Lords of Karma?

Umm... people say I'm nice, kind, friendly, hyper active, creepy, violent, possessed of a burning hatred of all gnomes, smart, generous, patient, and utterly mad.
I suppose, to sum it all up, bipolar...

For Applicants who wish to Raid

Computer Rig Information
1. Do you have Ventrilo and a Mic?

I have ventrilo, although I absolutely hate using a microphone. Anyway, you wouldn't want to hear me speak, its not quite so pretty...

2. Does your computer have latency issues, lock-up, or crash a lot while playing Warcraft?

well it occasionally overheats, but I've temporarily solved that problem, and will get a new computer within a week or two.

3. What mods do you use? (specific to raiding - e.g. DBM, Recount, Omen, etc)

Deadly boss mods, recount, and omen! MY GODS! you must be psychic!

Raiding Information
1. Are you able to attend raids on these days and time (Tues 6-9 server, Weds 6:30-9, Fri 7-9)? Please note that raids can go past scheduled times.

Usually, although I may have a sudden cardiac arrest...

2. I cannot raid raid on these days and time:

Just before dinner is always bad, so that's umm 1 server to 4 serverish, although dinner doesn't usually happen until 3 server, just before then is bad time to start.

3. Will you be able to maintain a MINIMUM of 70% raid attendance? (or whatever % is decided on)

As long as I am warned before hand I'd expect myself to arrive punctually, or withing 10 minutes thereof.

4. What is your raiding experience? Are you familiar with the content we will be raiding? For example, knowledge of Ulduar, Vault of Archavon bosses, etc. (please specify 10-man and 25-man).

I know all WotLk, except Sindragosa and Lich King, I have not actually killed Putridicide nor Blood Queen, but I know the fights well enough to pass.

5. Do you have a good grasp of your class? Have you read forums and done the research to ensure you play at the highest level?

Nope I am an utter cretin, I spend my time with eyes lolling attempt to hypnotize the target!
In all actuality, I know the warlock pretty well. I won't say its my best, I think that's a contest between me resto druid and survival hunter, but I do quite passibaly. Only problem is I occasionally forget to self buff myself, which can lower my dps by about 1k, depending on the fight. But I'm working on that...

6. Will you come prepared to raids with the appropriate consumables (food, flask etc) and on time? If you are unable to make it or if you are going to be late, please leave a note on the guild forums

*sigh* I'll go mail my flasks over from my druid...

PS; the link to apply on the main website is broken
Alba gu Bràth!
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Re: Charna Application

Post by elrad »

Hey Charna I remember running a TOC with you a while back I'll try to get with ya in game next time i see ya.
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Re: Charna Application

Post by Benediction »

Zomg Lunessa posted outside of the officer forum!

You must be pretty rad!
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Re: Charna Application

Post by djinux »

Yay a warlock, i don't have to switch mains again...
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Re: Charna Application

Post by totemed »

If Lunessa doesn't find you first, feel free to send a /tell to me so we can further your application process. Thank you for your interest in Lords of Karma.

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