Character Information
1. Main Character Name with Link to WoW Armory: Bahnek ( ... r&n=Bahnek )
2. Real Life Age: 45
3. Class of your Main: Warlock
4. Spec of your Main: Primary Spec Affliction, Secondary Spec Destruction
5. Professions and Level: Herbalism 450 / Alchemy 450
Alts are not allowed until the main is promoted to a member level.
Guild Information
1. Have you read and will abide by the Guild Doctrine (link is on the left side)? I will!
2. What are your previous/current guild(s) and why did/do you want to leave? For the last 2 years I have been a member of Echelon and an Officer there for a good portion of that time. Recently I started a new job… and raid times are not meshing with my real life anymore. (They start early at 5:00 server). I also took a break for a couple of months and came back to a guild that had merged in another guild. I find I don’t quite fit with the NEW Echelon, but harbor them no ill will… indeed I wish them all the best. Many very good friends remain there that I intend to keep close! I was also an officer in Stromgarde Battalion and Council of Nine, both years ago. I was, for a short time part of the leadership team of UGOW… which is where I first became aquainted with many of the fine members of Lords of Karma.
3. List the names of people you know from Lords of Karma who would vouch for you: Gorwyn, Ascaron, Sekond, Braum, and others who I have know for a very long time.
4. Are you a real life friend or family member of a current member of Lords of Karma? No, but a few are better friends than some RL ones!
5. What do you feel you can bring to Lords of Karma? I am a good natured individual who has always strived to perform at the best of my ability. I like to have fun… but get things done too! I’m organized, well read, and well versed in guild operations.
For Applicants who wish to Raid
Computer Rig Information
1. Do you have Ventrilo and a Mic? Yes, and not afraid to use either of them.
2. Does your computer have latency issues, lock-up, or crash a lot while playing Warcraft? After almost 5 years of WoW… my rig is not top of the line anymore… but other than the occasional time… I don’t lag anymore than the majority of players
3. What mods do you use? Omen, Recount, X-Perl, Titan Panel, DoTimer, Rating Buster, Auctioneer, Atlas, Atlasloot, Loothog… and a bunch of class specific ones for alts and such. I’m saavy with mods.
Raiding Information
1. Are you able to attend raids on these days and time (To Be Determined)? Please note that raids can go past scheduled times. I am usually available from 6:30pm Server – 11:00pm Server in the evenings as well as Saturday/Sunday Mornings from 7:00am-11:00am Server. (PLEASE NOTE: During the summer months I camp a lot with my family… so availability is greatly reduced)
2. I cannot raid raid on these days and time: With enough advance notice I can usually rearrange real life.
3. Will you be able to maintain a MINIMUM of 70% raid attendance? (or whatever % is decided on) I certainly will do everything I can to make the raid minimum requirement.
4. What is your raiding experience? Are you familiar with the content we will be raiding? For example, knowledge of Naxx, the dragon encounters (Malygos and Sartherion), and the wintergrasp boss will be essential. Naxx 10/25, OS 10/25, Vault 10/25… I have not yet had the pleasure of EoE and have only seen 3 events in Ulduar 25.
5. Do you have a good grasp of your class? Have you read forums and done the research to ensure you play at the highest level? I’ve been playing a Warlock since beginning WoW. I have always been Affliction spec’d … but with the dual spec option now enabled… I’ve been toying with Destruction. As an Affliction Warlock I am well versed in the class.
6. Will you come prepared to raids with the appropriate consumables (food, flask etc) and on time? If you are unable to make it or if you are going to be late, please leave a note on the guild forums. I pride myself on being as prepared as possible for all raiding endeavors and unless something entirely out of my control occurs, will always be on time, prepared, and giving every effort to bring my ‘A’ game to the table
The Application of a Drunken Gnomish Warlock
- Posts: 368
- Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:12 pm
- Location: Red Deer, Alberta
- Ober
- Posts: 203
- Joined: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:30 am
- Contact:
Re: The Application of a Drunken Gnomish Warlock
Welcome Bahnek, sorry for the confusion, I thought you were already a member and had approved your ranking. I must for now revoke your membership rank until guild recruit officers approve your application. Sorry for the inconvenience!
- Posts: 368
- Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:12 pm
- Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Re: The Application of a Drunken Gnomish Warlock
Hey Ober, no worries. Ascaron said I should drop the application here... if I had intentions to raid down the road.

- Gorwyn
- Posts: 186
- Joined: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:02 pm
- Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Re: The Application of a Drunken Gnomish Warlock
Welcome to LOK my good friend! So glad you made it over here. I think you will find LOK a most excellent guild to call home. Just ask Willow.
- Gor

- Gor
- Bad decisions make for good stories!

- Posts: 231
- Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:08 pm
- Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Re: The Application of a Drunken Gnomish Warlock
Was great catching up in chat last night, Bahnek. Glad you've returned!!
- Posts: 368
- Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:12 pm
- Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Re: The Application of a Drunken Gnomish Warlock
Thanks Arlock, looking forward to many great 'Locking' conversations... will be nice to have the input of one of the finest when discussing the mess they've made of us.

- Willow
- Posts: 189
- Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:37 am
- Location: Houghton, MI
Re: The Application of a Drunken Gnomish Warlock
Old friends/guildmates ask me that quite often, and I never hesitate to say I an very happy in LoK and having a wonderful timeGorwyn wrote:Welcome to LOK my good friend! So glad you made it over here. I think you will find LOK a most excellent guild to call home. Just ask Willow.![]()
- Gor

Once again Bahnek, I'm very happy you have joined us, you are a wise gnome indeed

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Emerson
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Emerson
- Miaraist
- Posts: 78
- Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:33 pm
Re: The Application of a Drunken Gnomish Warlock
Lovely to see you Bahnek
I don't manage to raid much these days but am so happy to have you as part of the team that I can admire the progress of !! Welcome to LoK